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human rights violations and mischief


Palestine … The first qibla of Islam and the blessed city that contains the sacredness of Muslims …The people of this blessed city, which was under the rule of Muslims ever since the conquest by the Khalifa Omar(r.a), lived in peace and abundance for centuries. Today, it has become an area where there are serious human rights violations and mischief against the native people.


The situation of this land of salutation, where Muslims, Jews, and Christians have lived together in peace for years, has been deplorable for the last hundred years. Unfortunately, in this holy place, Muslims are being bombed, expelled from their lands and homes, and their property and children confiscated. It is a human duty for all of us to help these people living under difficult conditions.


We are trying to deliver your aid to our Muslim brothers and sisters who are in trouble in Palestine. In this context, we have been instrumental in shelter projects, water well construction, medical aid, food package distribution, performing holy sacrifice, distribution of winter clothes, and similar aid activities for orphans and we want to continue to do so.

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News About Palestine

Allah, the Exalted, says, ‘Spend, O son of Adam, and I shall spend on you.’” – Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace.

Al-Bukhari and Muslim