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The Masjid is the centre of any community, its hub, a means of coming closer to Allah (subhanahu wata’ala), a place of education and reformation. NEED Charity have built over 400 Masajid around the world in regions where they were of most need. NEED Charity takes great care into ensuring a comprehensive survey is carried out in each region prior to work beginning, to ensure the location is suitable.

These noble projects have left a permanent mark on the lands in which they have been built. The projects are shared with you from the beginning to the end of the process to ensure transparency with our donors.

Throughout history we learn that whenever any Muslims migrated to an area, their primary concern was establishing a Masjid. Based on this idea, wherever an area needs a Masjid, we will be ready to build them with your support.

Qur’an Schools

NEED Charity have built __ Qur’an schools around the world. The Qur’an is our source of guidance and there are many hadith highlighting the virtues of its memorisation, recitation and teaching. NEED Charity not only initiate these Qur’an schools but receive regular progress updates of the students.

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News About Masjid

The best among you (Muslims) are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it.

– Sahih Bukhari