Make Sadaqah Get Closer to Allah
“Sadaqah extinguishes sins like water extinguishes fire. (Tirmizi) Sacrificing animal is one way to perform Sadaqah. NEED Charity accepts Sadaqah and Aqiqa animal donations in all 7 countries. Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Uganda, Tanzania, Madagascar, Yemen and Syria. These countries are suffering from drought, famine, epidemics and war. We sacrifice sheep and large animals on request. Thanks to this khair, many needy people in these poor countries get meat, even if it is a small amount.

NEED Charity sacrifice animal for you and distribute to needy people, students in madrasa and orphans. People mostly live in tents and they do not even have hot meal opportunity. We built some madrasah and orphanage. If you make donation for animal, we cook hot meal for students in madrasah and orphanage. Every student and orphan will have good meal thanks to your donations. All the animal you donate, we deliver it within 3 days, sometimes in sameday. Furthermore we sent to our donor pictures and videos while the animal is being performed and distributed to let him know that it has been done.

You can make animal sadaqah to thank good thoughts or to make difficult situations easier, such as health problems, accidents or big decisions. Also on behalf of someone living or dead. If you have a newborn baby, you can make aqiqa to thank Allah.

If you want to sacrifice Sadaqah or Aqiqa animal, you can reach NEED Charity.