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Category: All Countries

All CountriesFood AidPalestine

The Current Situation in Gaza and Hot Meal Distribution

The war and massacres continue in Gaza. Since October 7th, conditions have worsened with each passing day. The number of martyrs has exceeded 40,000, with thousands injured and missing. Israel has targeted all civilian areas, leaving no safe place for Palestinians to seek refuge. They bombed tents set up in areas designated as safe, burning people alive, and rained bombs on schools where displaced people had taken shelter. The attacks are still ongoing. 

The food and water crisis in the region has reached critical levels. Children are walking miles to find clean water, and if they manage to find it, they have to carry heavy water containers back to where they live. Access to basic necessities, especially food, has become extremely difficult due to the challenges faced by aid trucks trying to enter the region.

As Need Charity, we have been working from the very first day to support the people of Gaza through various campaigns, such as water distribution and hot meal distribution. With your donations, we reach out to families in the region, showing them that they are not alone, and ensuring they have a hot meal. We invite you to contribute to this good cause and make donations for ongoing needs like hot meals. 

AfghanistanAll CountriesqurbaniUganda

Eid Al Adha 2024

Another Eid al-Adha is behind us. This year, while the sadness of what is happening in Gaza continued, we also experienced the happiness of reaching Eid al-Adha and delivering meat to those in need.

This year, alhamdulillah, we sacrificed 918 shares of qurban in 6 countries. We are grateful to each of our donors who made this possible. Through your contributions, we were able to deliver meat to approximately 50,000 people. Alhamdulillah, hundreds of families in 6 countries were blessed to have meat, even if just for a day.

Although Eid al-Adha has ended, throughout the year, with the support of our donors, we continue to reach out to those in need through various campaigns such as water wells, food distributions, mosques, and schools. With your support, we strive every day to reach an orphan, to support a family. May Allah be pleased with all of you.

We pray to Allah to bring our ummah to a more beautiful Eid al-Adha next year and to make us witness the freedom and happiness of the people of Gaza.

AfghanistanAll Countries

Standing Together Against the Natural Disasters: Heavy Floods in Afghanistan

In recent weeks, there have been some heavy and unexpected rains in Afghanistan despite the season. The heavy rains have triggered flash floods, which caused the destruction of homes, buildings, and agricultural lands. The aftermath of these natural disaster has left many families homeless, vulnerable, and some children orphans like there wasn’t already so many in the country. All of them need urgent assistance. 

As the floodwaters are gone, the true extent of the damage becomes increasingly obvious. Families have been displaced, crops have been destroyed, and essential services have been disrupted. Many people are dragged out from the rumbles, some children were saved from the mud that was about to swallow them. 

In times of crisis, it is essential for us to come together and extend a helping hand to those in need. As NEED Charity, we try to help the Ummah as much as we can during challenging times. We recognize the urgency of the situation and are committed to providing immediate relief to the flood victims in Afghanistan. Our dedicated team will be on the ground, distributing hot meals, bread, and water to alleviate the suffering of those affected by the floods.

The provision of these basic necessities is a small yet crucial step towards rebuilding the lives of the affected people. Through our collective efforts, we aspire to bring hope even if it’s little and comfort to those who have lost so much from their hard-earned houses and loved-ones.

All CountriesRamadan

Ramadan 2024: Opening Ramadan Appeals And Getting Prepared

Alhamdulillah, Ramadan is almost here! Less than 25 days left until the first day of Ramadan. As we all know, Ramadan has a different spirit, and we really start to feel it when it comes. The days feel different, the prayers feel different, and the urge to increase all the ibadah hits even different.

As NEED Charity, we are almost ready to implement your dream projects. Our Ramadan kitchens in different countries are ready to cook and distribute delicious iftar meals and waiting for your support! Our teams are ready to find the owners of your zakat, and the needy people are looking forward for your support to reach them!

In this Ramadan, we will be doing our projects in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Uganda, Madagascar, Syria, and Yemen. Also, our plan is to reach as many people as possible in Gaza, as well. It’s a bit harder to do projects in Gaza but with Allah’s (swt) help, we believe that we will be able to take care of our brothers and sisters in Gaza!

So, in this Ramadan, NEED Charity will be working to reach the needy in many countries. We will be distributing delicious hot iftar meals, 100% of your zakat in cash form, food packs and also we will implement your dream projects such as masjids, schools, water wells and whatever you have in your mind.

Don’t forget to follow us on our social media accounts and don’t hesitate to reach us for any questions on your mind. May Allah (swt) make this Ramadan better than the ones we had spent before. May Allah give barakah to all our works and ibadah, and accept from all of us.

All Countries

What Did Need Charity Achieve In 2023?

As NEED Charity, it’s been quite a difficult year for us. 2023 was the year of catastrophes; at the beginning of the year there was an earthquake in Türkiye and Syria unfortunately. It was a really big disaster and we had to move quickly. We gathered a team of 9 people and hit the road in 2 days to Hatay. We distributed many aids including hot meals, food boxes, heaters, coal and many more. We stayed there for a couple of days and distributed your amanah to the needy people. Also, our team in Syria distributed many aids and we started a campaign for 100 houses in Syria, alhamdulillah!

 And there was another earthquake in Afghanistan, unfortunately. It destroyed many homes and killed many people. May Allah have mercy on them. We also distributed hot meals, zakat, blankets, and many more to those people as well.

And Gaza, the bleeding wound of the Ummah! We cannot say enough about Gaza and our efforts are always not enough, but may Allah give barakah to all organizations’ work. We have been distributing hot meals in Gaza from the beginning of the resistance, alhamdulillah. We have been distributing not only hot meals but also food packs, zakat in cash form, medical supplies and more as much as we can. However, the sources are limited and it got harder and harder to distribute, but then Allah always opened another window for us and we always conveyed the amanah!

Also, there were 2 ships to go to Gaza from Türkiye, in the protection and control of Turkish government. We had to take the chance to send whatever we can. As NEED Charity, In the first ship we have sent 500 ready-to-eat food packs, and in the second ship we have sent 15 tons of flour with your support, alhamdulillah!

Other than all these urgent needs, we have opened many water wells and madrasah, we have slaughtered hundreds of qurbani both in Eid al Adha and as sadaqah and aqiqah qurbanis. We make hamd to Allah (swt) for allowing us to help the Ummah and we thank you dear NEED Charity donors for always trusting and supporting us!

All CountriesWinter Appeals

Need Charity’s Winter Appeal Is Starting!

The winter is nearing and the weather is getting cold. Some of us have been waiting for winter from the beginning of the summer. These people love the cold so much that they might be having cold showers in summer to simulate the cold weather and they must love wearing thick clothes while still feeling cold.

Although not everyone is a fan of winter nor summer, everyone has to make some preparations for the winter. We should prepare our thicker clothes, coats, boats and scarves. We should not hesitate to turn on the heaters and to use our thick and warm blankets fort he night.

However, not everyone has these opportunities, like the winter clothes or proper heaters. Even if they have, their clothes are either old or torn down and their heaters don’t have enough fuel to be used. Even some of them don’t have homes, instead they have to live in tents. Maybe you understand whom we are talking about. The people in Syria and Afghanistan. They lost their homes due to conflicts and natural disasters. Now they try to live in tents with their families, maybe with their new-born children.

As NEED Charity, we wanted to start our Winter Appeal as we do every year to distribute needed clothes and fuels to those people. We know that we cannot do this without your support. Our aim is to reach as many people as possible and to distribute coats, boats, scarves, coal, wood and fuel for heaters. We know you, our generous donors, will not leave them alone and as NEED Charity we are very happy to be the brigde between you and the needy.

Let’s start the Winter Appeal together and reach as much needy people as we can with the help of Allah. We know that we cannot change the season of the weather but we can help them survive this cold, as well. Let’s keep the Ummah warm together!

adaqAll Countriessadaqah

Make Sadaqah Get Closer to Allah

“Sadaqah extinguishes sins like water extinguishes fire. (Tirmizi) Sacrificing animal is one way to perform Sadaqah. NEED Charity accepts Sadaqah and Aqiqa animal donations in all 7 countries. Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Uganda, Tanzania, Madagascar, Yemen and Syria. These countries are suffering from drought, famine, epidemics and war. We sacrifice sheep and large animals on request. Thanks to this khair, many needy people in these poor countries get meat, even if it is a small amount.


NEED Charity sacrifice animal for you and distribute to needy people, students in madrasa and orphans. People mostly live in tents and they do not even have hot meal opportunity. We built some madrasah and orphanage. If you make donation for animal, we cook hot meal for students in madrasah and orphanage. Every student and orphan will have good meal thanks to your donations. All the animal you donate, we deliver it within 3 days, sometimes in sameday. Furthermore we sent to our donor pictures and videos while the animal is being performed and distributed to let him know that it has been done.


You can make animal sadaqah to thank good thoughts or to make difficult situations easier, such as health problems, accidents or big decisions. Also on behalf of someone living or dead. If you have a newborn baby, you can make aqiqa to thank Allah.

If you want to sacrifice Sadaqah or Aqiqa animal, you can reach NEED Charity.

All CountriesZakat

Ramadan 2022 Zakah

It is one of the prayers that should be performed for Muslims who have opportunities. Your zakat is delivered to poor families who need it the most. It is our first priority to bring your zakat to families by identifying the needy families who are living outside the war zone within the limits specified by our belief and with a sense of responsibility.

IHCRO has a policy called 100% zakat policy. This means your zakat reaches the poor in full , alhamdulillah. Furthermore, all donations that are given as zakat and the sadaqah that are directed to help orphans, poor and sick families are admin fee-free. We give this support in cash form to the hand of the poor. All our Zakat is allocated as monetary assistance to the poor because this is the best way to utilize zakat to put in the hands of the poor and they spend it the way they feel best.

We don’t put zakat in any projects. We are running on the bare minimum, asking Allah to accept our efforts and yours. We deliver zakat to more than 30 countries such as Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan, Palestine, Madagascar, Bangladesh and many more. May Allah accept all our good deeds and yours.

In this Ramadan, inshaAllah we will keep doing what we do, and we will increase our work to reach more families with your support inshaAllah. As the Prophet (s.a.w.) said: “He whose two days are equal, is a loser.” we always strive to help more people than we did yesterday.

All CountriesRamadan


Ramadan is the most important month for Muslims. It is the month when we fast and try to understand each other, help each other and show tolerance.

Most people’s tables are full of food during Ramadan but there are millions of people in the world who do not have the same opportunities. While some cannot find food, some cannot even reach clean water. Although this situation is not unique to the month of Ramadan, at least during Ramadan, a Muslim’s “stomach shouldn’t be filled while the neighbor to his side goes hungry”. People should look for ways to help all people around them, starting with their neighbors.

Can you imagine walking miles just for clean water? It is stated that 2 billion people in the world do not have access to clean water. What about food? Today, millions of people are hungry and we cannot even imagine it. We can’t even think of going hungry for a day or even a meal. But there are people who experiences all these and we have to take responsibility in this situation.

IHCRO establishes Ramadan Cuisine all over the world and distributes iftar to the needy every day during the month of Ramadan. Thanks to those iftars, people can have food at least in Ramadan.

You can also be a part of these aids and feed a person.