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Category: Food Aid

All CountriesFood AidPalestine

The Current Situation in Gaza and Hot Meal Distribution

The war and massacres continue in Gaza. Since October 7th, conditions have worsened with each passing day. The number of martyrs has exceeded 40,000, with thousands injured and missing. Israel has targeted all civilian areas, leaving no safe place for Palestinians to seek refuge. They bombed tents set up in areas designated as safe, burning people alive, and rained bombs on schools where displaced people had taken shelter. The attacks are still ongoing. 

The food and water crisis in the region has reached critical levels. Children are walking miles to find clean water, and if they manage to find it, they have to carry heavy water containers back to where they live. Access to basic necessities, especially food, has become extremely difficult due to the challenges faced by aid trucks trying to enter the region.

As Need Charity, we have been working from the very first day to support the people of Gaza through various campaigns, such as water distribution and hot meal distribution. With your donations, we reach out to families in the region, showing them that they are not alone, and ensuring they have a hot meal. We invite you to contribute to this good cause and make donations for ongoing needs like hot meals. 

AfghanistanFood Aid

A War-Weary Country: Afghanistan

Afghanistan, the capital of which is Kabul, is a country with a surface area of ​​652 thousand square kilometers. Afghanistan is a mostly mountainous country bordering Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Iran, Turkmenistan and China. Pashtuns, Tajiks, Hazaras and Uzbeks make up the majority of its population of about 40 million. Afghanistan, whose population is almost entirely Muslim, is officially an Islamic country. Afghanistan has a very old history. According to the researches, traces of settled life are seen in the region about 9,000 years ago. It is estimated that great civilizations existed in the 3rd millennium BC. Despite this cultural richness, Afghanistan is a very poor country economically.

A Society Under the Shadow of Poverty

As can be expected, the war conditions that lasted for years have worn out Afghanistan and the Afghan people. While the conditions in question were sufficient in themselves, Afghanistan also suffered from drought and famine, which are the disasters of this age. Research shows that 93 percent of Afghans do not have enough food. In addition, it is stated that approximately 7.3 million people from 34 provinces of Afghanistan are under the effect of drought. 14 million people are facing severe hunger. Existing water and food shortages cause exorbitant prices for these products; therefore this situation causes the already poor Afghan people to become even poorer. An emergency aid resource of 200 million dollars is needed in order to overcome these problems we mentioned with the least damage.

IHCRO Stands With Afghanistan

As IHCRO, we are on the ground in the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, as always. We are doing our best to meet all the needs of Afghanistan, where we follow the latest news closely. In this sense, we deliver emergency aid such as food packs distributions, drilling water wells and providing medical support to the Afghan people as quickly as possible. For our brothers and sisters who have lost their homes due to the war, we set up tent camps and distribute clothes and blankets suitable for the climate. We are trying to carry out activities in the region on which our priority is children, especially orphans. Alhamdulillah, we are building schools for the children so that they can continue their education. May Allah be pleased with everyone who supports this work.

Food AidSyria

200 Food Packs Distributed in Syrian Camps

The civil war and humanitarian crisis in Syria has left its 11th year behind. Hundreds of thousands of civilians lost their lives in the country, where war crimes such as chemical weapons, efforts to starve the people, blockade and torture were committed.

More than six million people had to leave their country 11 years ago, which was estimated to have an average population of twenty-two million. More than three and a half million of these immigrants took refuge in Turkey. But it is estimated that at least fourteen million civilians are currently in need of humanitarian assistance in Syria.

As International Human Care and Relief Organization, we distributed two hundred food packs in a camp in the region. Thanks to our distribution of food parcels, which are vital for people living in the camp and especially children, who cannot even meet their basic needs such as food, approximately one thousand families will have access to basic nutrients.

The 11-year humanitarian crisis continues and our organization continues to help the Syrian people as much as possible. Many families have benefited from our assistance and will continue to benefit from it.

East AfricaFood AidSomalia

We Distributed 300 Food Packs in Somalia

We distributed three hundred food packs with your support in Somalia, where we started the emergency aid campaign last week. Our packs will support more than one thousand five hundred families.

As we know, Somalia is facing one of the worst droughts ever. Drought makes it difficult to access both water resources and basic foodstuffs. Many people, especially children, are affected by this situation and it causes child deaths.

We do our best to help and support people in need, which is one of the main goals of our organization, when they are most needed, and we work to ensure that the people of the region have access to the most needed food and water. At the same time, we continue to dig our water wells in the region.

We think that it is the duty of each of us to remember that people in many countries of the world are in need of a drop of water and a piece of bread that most of us do not need, and to support them, and we are working hard to deliver basic foodstuffs and water resources to people in need.

As IHCRO, we continue our essential projects such as water wells, food distribution, orphan sponsorships in many countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Niger, Somalia, Bangladesh, Malawi, Haiti, Syria and we expect your support.

BeninFood Aid

Benin Food Packs Distribution

Benin is a country located in West Africa. It was a former French colony and gained its independence in 1960. In the country where French is the official language, the majority of the population is Christian. About 27% are Muslims.

It is a low-income and food-scarce country with an estimated population of 11.2 million and predominantly rural areas. In 2018, it ranked 163rd among 189 countries according to the human development index. Like other African countries, Benin is trying to cope with many problems. Approximately ten percent of the population cannot reach food, and an average of thirty-two percent of children under the age of 5 have developmental delay due to food insufficiency.

Our team in Benin carries out our projects by identifying the needs of the people of the region. Last week, we distributed food parcels to a hundred families in a rural area. Our team went through long and difficult ways to reach the village people and delivered your relics.

As in other African countries, our projects will continue at full speed in Benin. We will continue to work with our teams with all our strength to implement food, water and all other needed projects.

Food AidPakistan

1300 Meals Delivered To Poor Children in Pakistan

While our work in Pakistan continues rapidly, we continue to work on new projects. In addition to various aids in Pakistan, which we focused on with the flood disaster in the past months, we distributed hot meals to 1,300 children. Let alone meat, these children hardly have access to a normal meal they can eat in daily life. 

Pakistan has the second-largest economy in South Asia, but its growth has been constrained by inequality, poverty, conflict, and insufficient access to fundamental social services. Due to the nation’s susceptibility to frequent climate shocks like floods and droughts, millions of people are at risk of becoming hungry and are in need of humanitarian aid. Millions of Afghan refugees have also taken refuge in Pakistan. 

According to the 2022 Global Hunger Index, Pakistan ranks ninety-ninth out of one hundred and twenty-one countries. In a country of two hundred and seven million people, about twenty percent of the population is malnourished. Forty-four percent of children younger than five years of age experience developmental delay. Malnutrition is caused by the economic problems in the region. 

Keep supporting us. Together, let’s deliver food to many more needy people. We have the power to fight hunger. Let’s share our food with our brothers.