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Gaza, the bleeding wound of the Ummah. Now in occupation of t*rrorist Isr*el, everyday is like it’s borrowed from hell. Every morning we wake up to see another news of Isr*el’s brutal genocide attacks on Gaza, of which most of the population is kids. Every night, we go to bed upon seeing that this t*rrorist Isr*el army cuts of power and communication, then attacks Gaza with almost everything they have. None of the Muslims around the world can do anything about this, wallahi the day of judgement is very near.

As NEED Charity, we have distributed hot meals, food packs, medical supplies, water and more, however these were all gathered from the inside of Gaza as nobody can get through the borders. Shame on us, all we can do is to condemn, boycott and protest. Of course this is better than nothing, at least we show everyone that we are together with Gaza and we will not forget and forgive what is happening, but still not enough to save those people.

This t*rrorist state tells the civillian to go to so-called “safe” areas and k*lls them on the way. They commit the biggest war crimes, they bomb hospitals, schools, mosques, churches, anywhere that the people gather together even if it’s for food, water or basic materials. Eveybody knows it’s genocide and the most powerful governments of the world are now only hypocrites.

There are good things happening, as well. More and more people learn about the reality of Gaza and Islam. More and more people wants to read Quran and become Muslim, alhamdulillah. Many charities like us, NEED Charity, are gathering funds to support the people in Gaza and Gaza will be rebuilt after it becomes free, inshaAllah.

At the end of the day Allah is the greatest and the most merciful.

“…They planned, but Allah also planned. And Allah is the best of planners.” (8:30)

“Do not think ˹O Prophet˺ that Allah is unaware of what the wrongdoers do. He only delays them until a Day when ˹their˺ eyes will stare in horror—rushing forth, heads raised, never blinking, hearts void.” (14:42,43)

We keep doing what we do, we boycott, we spread the news, we don’t forget or forgive what they are doing now, and we trust Allah will give their punishment, soon inshaAllah. We pray Allah (swt) to see their punishment in this world and as soon as possible. May Allah accept our efforts and give barakah to our works.