The Republic of Haiti is an island country located in the American continent. Local people were subjected to great slaughter due to the colonialism and poverty that came after the geographical discoveries. The official languages of the Republic of Haiti, which had been a French colony for a long time, still include French, alongside the Haitian Creole. The Republic of Haiti, which has been struggling with poverty for a long time, also intensely experiences problems related to poverty. The inability to have the basic needs such as education, health, etc., which cannot be provided, and political instability can be shown among such problems. In addition to all these, the great Haiti earthquake that took place in 2010 and had an intensity of over 7 added to the country’s problems. The official death number of this earthquake was more than 200 thousand. Unfortunately, a similar earthquake occurred in the past days.

Reconstruction of the Great Haiti Earthquake
The second largest Haiti earthquake, 11 years apart, had a magnitude of 7.2. Although the numbers still continue to increase in this earthquake, it has been reported that approximately 2200 people have died, and more than 12 thousand people have been injured so far. This Haiti earthquake, which took place 12 kilometers northeast of the town of Saint-Jean-du-Sud, was recorded at a depth of 10 kilometers, and was also felt in the capital, Port-au-Prince, and people rushed to the streets. In Haiti, where many settlements were destroyed by the earthquake, the people who were already poor are now deprived of shelter. The Haiti administration, which could not carry out the necessary work with its own means, made a call for international assistance.

IHCRO Extends a Helping Hand
It is a fact that Haiti and its people, who had a hard time with the great Haiti earthquake, need help. In this context, as IHCRO, we directed our aid to Haiti. In addition to the various aids we provide to overcome today’s difficult conditions, we will also carry out activities that will ensure the development and stability of Haiti and especially the Muslim people there in the long run. These activities include building accommodation, madrasahs, masjids, etc. However, today, we are covering the wounds of this great Haiti earthquake, primarily by meeting the needs of the moment, such as: food packs, hygiene kits, tarps, construction of the destroyed homes.