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Malawi House of Jannah Masjid Opened with the Participation of Our Team

Malawi is counted as one of the poorest countries in the world. Ranking 173rd among 187 countries in the poverty index, Malawi is struggling with drought, flood and hunger problems. Every day, women and children travel many kilometers to reach food and water. Eighty percent of the population live in rural areas and mostly depend on agriculture from lands that need rain.

In Malawi, where approximately 40% of the population is Muslim, the work of our team has been going on for about two years. In the region, especially water wells, orphan homes, masjids, food distribution, zakat and orphan sponsorship projects are carried out.

Last week, our projects with the participation of our Turkey team were inspected and our House of Jannah Masjid was inaugurated. With the opening of our mosque, which was held with the warm welcome and intense participation of the people of the region, the villages in the region will perform their prayers and receive their training in the Qur’an in this mosque.

IHCRO, International Human Care and Relief Organization, has built hundreds of masjids around the world and will continue to work on the masjid. You can contact us for our charity projects and start our work according to your budget and location priority.