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The time is going by so fast and Eid Al Adha is almost here. Muslims around the world will be slaughtering animals for the sake of Allah. We will feel the brotherhood because we will share the meats with poor people as there are many people around the world who cannot eat meat at all. The spirit of Eid Al Adha will be with all of us!

“Sayedatuna Aisha (RadiAllahuanhu) narrates that Rasul Allah said, “There is no dearer deed of Ibn Adam in the days of Qurbani than flowing the blood (doing Qurbani) and that animal will come with his horns, hairs, and hooves on the day of Qayamt. Thee blood of the Qurbani reaches the stage of acceptance before it reaches the floor.” (Tirmizi, Ibnu Majah)

On the other hand, we have started our preparations as we have been doing for the last 8 years. But this time we are going to do something different. This year we are going to send you the video of your qurbanis being slaughtered.

We will be working in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Yemen, Africa, Syria and in some parts of Africa. You can choose to slaughter a small animal or you can take part with 1 or more shares for a big animal. Don’t fortget that the people in these countries are not able to eat meat more than a couple of times a year.

The Eid will be a great Eid when we share with our brothers and sisters. They will be able to eat qurbani as we do in our homes. Let’s turn qurbani into piety!