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PakistanWater Wells

Solar-Powered Deep Weel in Pakistan Completed

Another solar-powered deep well in Pakistan has been completed!

Pakistan has been facing water scarcity for many years. More than 80% of Pakistanis, according to a survey released this year by the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE), experience “severe water scarcity” for at least one month each year. According to the report, Pakistan is ranked 14th out of the top 17 nations with “very high water-risk” status.

This well will provide clean water to hundreds of families in this village. Our UK representative Farhan Shah was in this village a few months ago and witnessed first-hand how families would travel far distances to source water. This has brought immense ease and joy to their lives.

We continue to dig water wells in many countries. For ongoing sadaqa projects, you can always get in touch with us.