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Tag: ramadan


Eid in Gaza

As Muslims around the world, we have spent a month of fasting, prayer, and reflection, we bid farewell to Ramadan with a mix of gratitude and nostalgia. Throughout the month, we tried to strengthen our connection with Allah. In the nights, we woke up to eat Suhoor, nourishing our bodies for the long day ahead. Throughout the day, we thought and appreciate the blessings that we often take for granted. In the evenings, we gathered in mosques for Taraweeh prayers, recite the Quran and attended dawah lessons.

In Ramadan, we always feel very generous. Most of us give charity constantly, to support the less fortunate, and extended a helping hand to those in need. Our hearts filled with compassion and empathy, engaging in acts of kindness and brotherhood. Each day passed with a growing hope, drawing us closer to the joyous celebration of Eid.

However, while we wait for the Eid, it was always impossible to ignore the heartbreaking reality that our brothers and sisters in Gaza have been experiencing for months. As we prepared for a joyous Eid, they were mourning. Their homes were reduced to rubble, their loved ones taken away by unfathomable violence. The echoes of bombs drowned out the sound of their prayers, and their joy was clouded by despair.

While we exchanged gifts and gathered with our families to feast on delicious meals, the people of Gaza sought refuge and solace in makeshift shelters, their minds filled with anguish and their hearts heavy with grief. The usual celebrations, the excitement, and the laughter that filled the air in previous Eids were replaced with mourning and sorrow.

As we raised our hands in prayer during the blessed time, we always remembered the people of Gaza. We always make dua to Allah (swt) to ease their suffering, to bring peace upon their lands, and to grant them the strength and resilience they need to rebuild their lives. May our hearts remain open, and our commitment to aiding those in need only grow stronger.

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Ramadan 2024: Opening Ramadan Appeals And Getting Prepared

Alhamdulillah, Ramadan is almost here! Less than 25 days left until the first day of Ramadan. As we all know, Ramadan has a different spirit, and we really start to feel it when it comes. The days feel different, the prayers feel different, and the urge to increase all the ibadah hits even different.

As NEED Charity, we are almost ready to implement your dream projects. Our Ramadan kitchens in different countries are ready to cook and distribute delicious iftar meals and waiting for your support! Our teams are ready to find the owners of your zakat, and the needy people are looking forward for your support to reach them!

In this Ramadan, we will be doing our projects in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Uganda, Madagascar, Syria, and Yemen. Also, our plan is to reach as many people as possible in Gaza, as well. It’s a bit harder to do projects in Gaza but with Allah’s (swt) help, we believe that we will be able to take care of our brothers and sisters in Gaza!

So, in this Ramadan, NEED Charity will be working to reach the needy in many countries. We will be distributing delicious hot iftar meals, 100% of your zakat in cash form, food packs and also we will implement your dream projects such as masjids, schools, water wells and whatever you have in your mind.

Don’t forget to follow us on our social media accounts and don’t hesitate to reach us for any questions on your mind. May Allah (swt) make this Ramadan better than the ones we had spent before. May Allah give barakah to all our works and ibadah, and accept from all of us.



“Indeed, the number of months ordained by Allah is twelve—in Allah’s Record1 since the day He created the heavens and the earth—of which four are sacred. That is the Right Way. So do not wrong one another during these months. And fight the polytheists together as they fight together against you. And know that Allah is with those mindful ˹of Him˺.”

(Surah At-Tawbah,36)

As Allah says in the Holy Quran, there are 4 sacred months which means haram. These are Dhul – Qa’dah, Dhul-Hijjah, Al-Muharram and Rajab. Since the beginning of time, it has been forbidden to fight in these months. The reason for this was to protect the pilgrims who are going to Makkah in Hajj season and in the Umrah season, before Ramadan.

Rasoolullah (saw) said: “Rajab is the month of Allah, Sha’ban is my month and Ramadan is the month of my Ummah.” (Suyuti) Can you imagine how honored you are that Allah (swt) accepted you to His month as a Muslim to benefit from it immensely.

The most important event to take place in this month is Al-Isra’ wal-Miraj! Rasoolullah (saw) was ascended to heavens and 5 daily prayers become fardh for all the Muslims.

As NEED Charity, for the 1st day of this sacred month of Rajab, which was on 12th of January, we opened a Masjid appeal. There are hundreds of unfinished masjids in Afghanistan and Bangladesh. Local people gather and start to build these masjids, but they cannot finish since they cannot find enough funds. That’s where we, NEED Charity, step in to complete these masjids. We wanted open this appeal because if we start on time, this masjid will be opened in Ramadan, inshaAllah.

May Allah allow and help us to spend this month in the most beneficial way possible. Let’s remember the dua Rasoolullah (saw) made during this month: “O Allah, bless us in Rajab and Shaban and allow us to reach Ramadan.”