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Tag: war

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The Current Situation in Gaza and Hot Meal Distribution

The war and massacres continue in Gaza. Since October 7th, conditions have worsened with each passing day. The number of martyrs has exceeded 40,000, with thousands injured and missing. Israel has targeted all civilian areas, leaving no safe place for Palestinians to seek refuge. They bombed tents set up in areas designated as safe, burning people alive, and rained bombs on schools where displaced people had taken shelter. The attacks are still ongoing. 

The food and water crisis in the region has reached critical levels. Children are walking miles to find clean water, and if they manage to find it, they have to carry heavy water containers back to where they live. Access to basic necessities, especially food, has become extremely difficult due to the challenges faced by aid trucks trying to enter the region.

As Need Charity, we have been working from the very first day to support the people of Gaza through various campaigns, such as water distribution and hot meal distribution. With your donations, we reach out to families in the region, showing them that they are not alone, and ensuring they have a hot meal. We invite you to contribute to this good cause and make donations for ongoing needs like hot meals. 


Bringing Warmth to Gaza: Blanket Distribution by Need Charity

In the midst of the ongoing conflict and harsh winter conditions in Gaza, Need Charity has been blessed with a beautiful step forward to provide essential warmth to those in need. As part of our humanitarian efforts, we have distributed blankets to individuals and families affected by the war and displacement.

Gaza has long been embroiled in conflict, facing the brunt of violence, displacement, and economic instability. The region has witnessed the devastations of g*nocide and the enduring consequences of prolonged t*rrorism. Amidst such turmoil, the arrival of winter exacerbates the challenges faced by the residents, particularly those living in tent camps and makeshift shelters.

Understanding the urgent need for warmth and comfort, Need Charity opened a blanket distribution campaign to provide relief to the people of Gaza. Blankets serve as a lifeline during the cold winter months, offering protection against the harsh weather conditions and helping to alleviate the suffering, although it is never enough.

With your generous support, as Need Charity, we were able to make a meaningful difference in the lives of countless individuals and families in Gaza. Your contributions have helped us provide the blankets and comfort to the families. Together, we are trying to cover up one of the difficulties they are facing.

As NEED Charity, we were able to distribute blankets and we couldn’t miss the chance. So, we acted as quick as possible and thanks to your support, alhamdulillah we were able to provide 100 blankets to families. And we will continue to support the people of Gaza as much as we can, as Allah (swt) allows us, until Palestine is free inshaAllah. May Allah allow us all to see the end of the t*rrorsit state and the freedom of Palestine 🇵🇸


What is the current situation in GAZA?

It’s been more than 2 months and Gaza is still under attack. Many building are destroyed by the t*rrorist isr*eli army and many people are k*lled. The t*rrorist isr*el never stopped k*lling people for even a few days during the cease fire. They violated the rules of the cease fire, as expected from them. People asked each other about what they think of this cease fire, would it be any good? Everybody said the conditions were for Gaza but you can never trust any Isr*eli and they were right. We didn’t trust any of the z*onists and they didn’t prove us wrong. They did what they do best, oppression.

Some captives were swapped. On the Hamas side, the Isr*eli captives were taken care of really well and they were contented, they had food, water, they could satisfy their needs whenever they needed. Even some old lady said, the Hamas Mujaheeds were so kind to her that they didn’t let her even clean the toilet she used, she said that they treated her like a mother.

On the Isr*eli side, the Palestinian captives were released like they were getting arrested. The Isr*eli t*rrorists assaulted them, shouted at them and they forbid the families from rejoicing. A Palestinian man said he was kept in cold for the first day with only his underwear with other tens of people. He said their eyes were blind-folded and they didn’t even know the person next to them, it was also raining. The reason behind all this is that the Isr*eli t*rrorists don’t see other people as human, and the secret reason is that they know this is a defeat for them.

At the end of the day, the war continues, the civillians are dy*ing including babies, children and women. 70-80% of the world is against all this genocide but nobody can do anything about it unfortunately, other than protests and marchings, which actually gives cheer up the Mujahedeen as far as we learnt. As we see them fight and we get happy that they can resist these t*rrorist isr*el’s army, they see us marching and protesting for them and they get happy to know that we are with them, they get encouraged.

And what NEED Charity does in these days? We are trying to help as fast as possible and we distribute hot meals as much as we can. We saw the videos of tens of people, trying to get food while thousand of trucks are waiting outside to go inside Gaza. Their situation is heart-breaking. What we need to do now is to make dua for them, and to shout their situation to everyone around us. If we stop talking about Gaza, then we all will be defeated. So, NEVER STOP TALKING ABOUT GAZA!



Gaza, the bleeding wound of the Ummah. Now in occupation of t*rrorist Isr*el, everyday is like it’s borrowed from hell. Every morning we wake up to see another news of Isr*el’s brutal genocide attacks on Gaza, of which most of the population is kids. Every night, we go to bed upon seeing that this t*rrorist Isr*el army cuts of power and communication, then attacks Gaza with almost everything they have. None of the Muslims around the world can do anything about this, wallahi the day of judgement is very near.

As NEED Charity, we have distributed hot meals, food packs, medical supplies, water and more, however these were all gathered from the inside of Gaza as nobody can get through the borders. Shame on us, all we can do is to condemn, boycott and protest. Of course this is better than nothing, at least we show everyone that we are together with Gaza and we will not forget and forgive what is happening, but still not enough to save those people.

This t*rrorist state tells the civillian to go to so-called “safe” areas and k*lls them on the way. They commit the biggest war crimes, they bomb hospitals, schools, mosques, churches, anywhere that the people gather together even if it’s for food, water or basic materials. Eveybody knows it’s genocide and the most powerful governments of the world are now only hypocrites.

There are good things happening, as well. More and more people learn about the reality of Gaza and Islam. More and more people wants to read Quran and become Muslim, alhamdulillah. Many charities like us, NEED Charity, are gathering funds to support the people in Gaza and Gaza will be rebuilt after it becomes free, inshaAllah.

At the end of the day Allah is the greatest and the most merciful.

“…They planned, but Allah also planned. And Allah is the best of planners.” (8:30)

“Do not think ˹O Prophet˺ that Allah is unaware of what the wrongdoers do. He only delays them until a Day when ˹their˺ eyes will stare in horror—rushing forth, heads raised, never blinking, hearts void.” (14:42,43)

We keep doing what we do, we boycott, we spread the news, we don’t forget or forgive what they are doing now, and we trust Allah will give their punishment, soon inshaAllah. We pray Allah (swt) to see their punishment in this world and as soon as possible. May Allah accept our efforts and give barakah to our works.


Gaza Under Blockade

Hamas launched an operation called Al-Aqsa Flood on October 6. Two days after the operation, Israel launched Operation Iron Sword. Gaza is being mercilessly bombed from the air and sea. According to Palestinian sources, more than 3,500 people have lost their lives and 12,500 have been injured. It was recorded that 1057 of the dead were children. As NEED Charity, we started an aid campaign for our brothers and sisters in Gaza from the first day of the Israeli attacks.

‘Largest Open Prison’-Gaza

Described as the world’s ‘Largest Open Prison’, Gaza is bordered by Israel to the north and east, Egypt to the south, and the Mediterranean to the east. More than 2 million people live in this region, which is 41 kilometers long and 10 kilometers wide. Gaza has been trying to resist both Israel’s blockade and attacks for many years. Except for the Rafah Border Gate in the south, which opens to Egypt, most of the land entrances to the Gaza Strip are entirely in Israeli hands, including control of the airspace. In the sea, occupying Israel controls all areas except a small clearing.

Israeli Minister of Energy Yisrael Katz stated that after the electricity was restored, the flow of water in the water pipes from Israel to the Gaza Strip was stopped. The UN has announced that Israel’s cut off of electricity and water in Gaza could leave the power plant without fuel in a few days and cause drinking water shortage for more than 610 thousand people.

What we do for Gaza?

NEED Charity managed to deliver first aid in line with our Gaza emergency aid campaign that we started. In the first days, food parcels and cash aid were delivered to our brothers who were under heavy bombardment in Gaza. Then, in line with the investigations made by our team, we delivered medicines for patients and medical supplies for hospitals. Thanks to the intense efforts of our team, we as NEED Charity are starting to distribute hot meals as of today.