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What Did Need Charity Achieve In 2023?

As NEED Charity, it’s been quite a difficult year for us. 2023 was the year of catastrophes; at the beginning of the year there was an earthquake in Türkiye and Syria unfortunately. It was a really big disaster and we had to move quickly. We gathered a team of 9 people and hit the road in 2 days to Hatay. We distributed many aids including hot meals, food boxes, heaters, coal and many more. We stayed there for a couple of days and distributed your amanah to the needy people. Also, our team in Syria distributed many aids and we started a campaign for 100 houses in Syria, alhamdulillah!

 And there was another earthquake in Afghanistan, unfortunately. It destroyed many homes and killed many people. May Allah have mercy on them. We also distributed hot meals, zakat, blankets, and many more to those people as well.

And Gaza, the bleeding wound of the Ummah! We cannot say enough about Gaza and our efforts are always not enough, but may Allah give barakah to all organizations’ work. We have been distributing hot meals in Gaza from the beginning of the resistance, alhamdulillah. We have been distributing not only hot meals but also food packs, zakat in cash form, medical supplies and more as much as we can. However, the sources are limited and it got harder and harder to distribute, but then Allah always opened another window for us and we always conveyed the amanah!

Also, there were 2 ships to go to Gaza from Türkiye, in the protection and control of Turkish government. We had to take the chance to send whatever we can. As NEED Charity, In the first ship we have sent 500 ready-to-eat food packs, and in the second ship we have sent 15 tons of flour with your support, alhamdulillah!

Other than all these urgent needs, we have opened many water wells and madrasah, we have slaughtered hundreds of qurbani both in Eid al Adha and as sadaqah and aqiqah qurbanis. We make hamd to Allah (swt) for allowing us to help the Ummah and we thank you dear NEED Charity donors for always trusting and supporting us!