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What We Do

NEED Charity bases its work philosophy entirely on the teachings and values derived from the Quran and Sunnah. We are people of faith, of Islam, and we take it as our guide to all that may be beneficial towards ourselves and the world at large. This is the main reason behind establishing our organization — to make it a path to gain Allah’s pleasure. We abide by the Islamic moral standards and etiquettes in everything we endeavour to do. We aim to make our work reflect the values of mercy, compassion and hard work within ourselves, our projects, our partners and overall system of operation. Our faith is the one that obligated us to stand by the weak in their time of hardship. We believe that we as an ummah are like one body and when a limb aches, we all ache. These values are transcended through our organization by working to spread loyalty, brotherhood and solidarity to those in need. We want to better the situation of the ummah and humanity at large. We strive to spread goodness across the earth and advocate the causes that promote justice and human rights to the underprivileged, deprived, weak, poor and less fortunate. These aims are what spark our desire to work hard every day and become a reason for relief to those who are voiceless across the world. 

Our Works



Water Projects


Orphan Projects

Medical Assistance


Food Aid



And He has made me blessed wherever I am and has enjoined upon me Prayer and Zakah as long as I remain alive.

Surah Maryam 19:31