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BeninOrphan Projects

Orphan Home #60 Completed !

The 60th orphan home that we continued to build within the scope of one hundred orphan houses we started in the last month of Saban and Ramadan have been completed in Benin. A project that transforms from poverty, homelessness, mud or tree branches into warm homes…

According to the Department for International Development, Benin was hardest hit out of the 1.6 million people in Africa who experienced the consequences of the severe rains.

In 2010, when more than 680,000 people were compelled to abandon their homes due to severe floods brought on by torrential rainfall, demands for humanitarian relief to Benin increased once more. Many people may suffer terrible and long-lasting repercussions from the loss of their houses, cattle, clothing, agricultural equipment, and seeds.

As an organization, we continue our humanitarian aid activities in Benin, as in all of Africa. Since orphans are always our priority, we included the country of Benin in our orphan homes project and we continue to complete our homes here as well.

It is a pleasure to see another orphan family with smiling faces. We will try to quickly complete the remaining forty orphan homes. God bless those who contributed.

Food AidPakistan

1300 Meals Delivered To Poor Children in Pakistan

While our work in Pakistan continues rapidly, we continue to work on new projects. In addition to various aids in Pakistan, which we focused on with the flood disaster in the past months, we distributed hot meals to 1,300 children. Let alone meat, these children hardly have access to a normal meal they can eat in daily life. 

Pakistan has the second-largest economy in South Asia, but its growth has been constrained by inequality, poverty, conflict, and insufficient access to fundamental social services. Due to the nation’s susceptibility to frequent climate shocks like floods and droughts, millions of people are at risk of becoming hungry and are in need of humanitarian aid. Millions of Afghan refugees have also taken refuge in Pakistan. 

According to the 2022 Global Hunger Index, Pakistan ranks ninety-ninth out of one hundred and twenty-one countries. In a country of two hundred and seven million people, about twenty percent of the population is malnourished. Forty-four percent of children younger than five years of age experience developmental delay. Malnutrition is caused by the economic problems in the region. 

Keep supporting us. Together, let’s deliver food to many more needy people. We have the power to fight hunger. Let’s share our food with our brothers. 

PakistanWater Wells

Solar-Powered Deep Weel in Pakistan Completed

Another solar-powered deep well in Pakistan has been completed!

Pakistan has been facing water scarcity for many years. More than 80% of Pakistanis, according to a survey released this year by the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE), experience “severe water scarcity” for at least one month each year. According to the report, Pakistan is ranked 14th out of the top 17 nations with “very high water-risk” status.

This well will provide clean water to hundreds of families in this village. Our UK representative Farhan Shah was in this village a few months ago and witnessed first-hand how families would travel far distances to source water. This has brought immense ease and joy to their lives.

We continue to dig water wells in many countries. For ongoing sadaqa projects, you can always get in touch with us.

MasajidNigerWest Africa

Our Quran School Opened in Niger

“عن عثمان بن عفان رضي الله عنه قال: قل رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: خَيرُكُمْ مَنْ تَعَلَّمَ القُرْآنَ و عَلَّمَهُ“ 

“As reported by Osman ibn Affan (r.a), the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: The best of you is the one who learns the Qur’an and teaches It.” 

The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said that the best people are those who learn to read the Qur’an, memorize it, try to understand its meaning, then teach others what they have learned and encourage people to live according to the Qur’an. 

As IHCRO, we attach importance to Quran school projects all over the world and continue to complete our Quran schools. Our Sheikh Khalis Quran school was opened in Niamey, Niger, and the representatives of our Australia and UK branches personally attended the opening. They examined our project on site and opened it. In addition, the regional minister of national education and the governor attended our opening. Discussions were held on the importance of such projects for the future of the country, and we hope to continue working for our Quran schools in this direction. 

Our children in the region were learning the Qur’an in a classroom made of hut straw, but now they will have a better opportunity in this school that we have opened for them. May Allah increase their numbers. 

Medical AssistanceTurkiye

Şifa’s Cochlear Implant Completed

We met Şifa, our three-year-old Syrian refugee daughter, two months ago. She was born deaf and had to have a cochlear implant due to her illness, she. Şifa’s family, like many families, could not afford this surgery, as the costs of such surgeries were very high.

Cochlear implant surgery is generally applied to patients who cannot benefit from hearing aids, but who have severe hearing loss in both ears. Congenital or acquired severe or very advanced hearing loss can be treated with this application. These surgically applied tools allow people to hear sounds even if they have completely lost their hearing.

Şifa’s cochlear implant and equipment were covered by our donors, and after two months of doctor visits, her surgery was completed. Our daughter, who was born deaf, started to hear her first voices after a few checks and the insertion of her device. Now, when her mother or father calls, everything will be different for Şifa. We, as IHCRO, sent Şifa and her family to her home with the happiness of being able to touch one more of our daughters.