What is the current situation in GAZA?
It’s been more than 2 months and Gaza is still under attack. Many building are destroyed by the t*rrorist isr*eli army and many people are k*lled. The t*rrorist isr*el never stopped k*lling people for even a few days during the cease fire. They violated the rules of the cease fire, as expected from them. People asked each other about what they think of this cease fire, would it be any good? Everybody said the conditions were for Gaza but you can never trust any Isr*eli and they were right. We didn’t trust any of the z*onists and they didn’t prove us wrong. They did what they do best, oppression.

Some captives were swapped. On the Hamas side, the Isr*eli captives were taken care of really well and they were contented, they had food, water, they could satisfy their needs whenever they needed. Even some old lady said, the Hamas Mujaheeds were so kind to her that they didn’t let her even clean the toilet she used, she said that they treated her like a mother.

On the Isr*eli side, the Palestinian captives were released like they were getting arrested. The Isr*eli t*rrorists assaulted them, shouted at them and they forbid the families from rejoicing. A Palestinian man said he was kept in cold for the first day with only his underwear with other tens of people. He said their eyes were blind-folded and they didn’t even know the person next to them, it was also raining. The reason behind all this is that the Isr*eli t*rrorists don’t see other people as human, and the secret reason is that they know this is a defeat for them.

At the end of the day, the war continues, the civillians are dy*ing including babies, children and women. 70-80% of the world is against all this genocide but nobody can do anything about it unfortunately, other than protests and marchings, which actually gives cheer up the Mujahedeen as far as we learnt. As we see them fight and we get happy that they can resist these t*rrorist isr*el’s army, they see us marching and protesting for them and they get happy to know that we are with them, they get encouraged.

And what NEED Charity does in these days? We are trying to help as fast as possible and we distribute hot meals as much as we can. We saw the videos of tens of people, trying to get food while thousand of trucks are waiting outside to go inside Gaza. Their situation is heart-breaking. What we need to do now is to make dua for them, and to shout their situation to everyone around us. If we stop talking about Gaza, then we all will be defeated. So, NEVER STOP TALKING ABOUT GAZA!